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ColorSchemer ColorPix
Дата размещения 06.10.2013
Лицензия Бесплатная
Размер 257кб
Язык английский
Установка Без установки
Системные требования стандарт
Сайт программы http://www.colorschemer.com/index.php
Автор ColorSchemer
Обращений 2310
Оценка     проголосовало 4
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ColorPix is a useful little color picker that grabs the pixel under your mouse and transforms it into a number of different color formats.

You can use the built-in magnifier to zoom in on your screen, click on a color value to copy it directly to the clipboard, and even keep ColorPix on top of all other apps and out of the way.

Best of all, there's nothing to install - just download the tiny app and off you go. So grab it now, it's FREE!

ColorPix Window
This is the actual size of the ColorPix window. When you move your mouse over your screen the color values on the left and the color swatch on the right will change color depending on the pixel under your mouse.

ColorPix Window with Magnifier
Expanding the ColorPix window to show the magnifier lets you zoom in on your screen underneath your mouse.

You can also control the zoom percentage, up to 1600%.

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